The Mission

Here at The Self Help Planner we believe everyone is here for a reason and not pursuing your purpose robs the world of, you!

Imagine if your favorite artist never wrote the song that always helps you get through the hard times or Steve Jobs decides creating a new technology was too scary and played it safe instead.

You have your own unique impact to make on this world and this planner is going to be your tools to do just that.


Plan + Action


How We P.L.A.N.

PURPOSE Finding your purpose is like having a compass for life. It gives you clear direction and gives your journey a sense of meaning.

AUTHENTIC Embracing your true self is like unlocking the secret to genuine happiness. Empowering you to live your values, creating an authentic and fulfilling life.

NURTURE Self-care and nurturing your passions are essential. They cultivate a life rich in well-being, allowing your authentic self to flourish.

LEARN When you embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and you foster a habit of curiosity, innovation, and adaptability.